
Jack Newbury

A selection of contraceptive objects in a orange suitcase, as well as blue models of female and Male genitals

Jack Newbury

Department for Inclusive Education [DfIE]

“Development of the first inclusive sexual education demonstration kit ”

The Department for Education is introducing compulsory Relationships Education for primary pupils and Relationships and Sex Education [RSE] for secondary pupils from September 2019. The government intend this intervention to improve the current infrastructure and quality of existing RSE. Whilst this strategy is broadly welcomed and long overdue, it unfortunately omits the LGBTQ+ community and associated sexual practices in this teaching. 

In response, this project has developed the Department for Inclusive Education [DfIE], a design organisation that aims to integrate equality within sexual education with a proposed kit for secondary schools. This proposed curriculum includes materials and resources to facilitate the teaching of topics such as pleasure, gender, identity, consent, body image and all sexual practices. This enables sexual education to be more inclusive and representative of all communities and genders compared to the current heteronormative approach to sexual education.